Island Nature Trust launches search for new Executive Director
Lewes forest, in King’s County, is one of Prince Edward Island’s many natural treasures and it will now be protected forever thanks to the MapleCross fund and Island Nature Trust donors.
Ella Stewart is one of many Islanders who feels a deep connection with nature and has made a thoughtful decision to keep it in its natural state. She and her family, especially her late husband John, cared for the Lewes forest for decades, managing it well from the end of the second World War until John’s passing a few years ago. As the forest held so many wonderful memories, they wanted to see the natural space conserved. Worried that the land would be converted to blueberry fields, Ella was relieved when Island Nature Trust offered to buy the land and protect it forever.
MapleCross Upland Hardwood Natural Area
Thanks to a majority contribution from the MapleCross Fund and additional generous donations from 25 Islanders, Island Nature Trust was able to secure the Lewes property. This beautiful 109-acre property contains old growth upland hardwood Maritime Acadian – Wapane’kati forest, now rare in Prince Edward Island and the Maritimes as a whole. Mature eastern hemlock, white pine, sugar maple, red maple, American beech and yellow birch are present in an uneven aged mixed wood mosaic, providing tremendous value as a seed source for surrounding younger forests. Two headwaters streams begin within the property and support a diverse array of wildlife, including at least one pair of the threatened songbird, olive-sided flycatcher.
This forest also abuts the homestead property of former Premier and conservationist, J. Angus MacLean. The marriage of these two well-stewarded forest areas secures inter-connectivity and greater movement for wildlife in a larger forested block. Due to the dedication of a community of conservationists, the MapleCross Upland Hardwood Natural Area is now protected forever.
Executive Director Sought
As announced at its Annual General Meeting in September, Island Nature Trust is currently searching for a new Executive Director to focus more intently on organizational growth and development.
The Executive Director is the Trust’s senior staff position and team leader, with overall responsibility for all aspects of the organization‘s operations including high level fundraising to support land acquisition and stewardship, programs, staff, and finances, as well as direct accountability for member, donor and strategic partner relationships.
Quick Facts
- The Island Nature Trust was created in 1979.
- The Trust is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who provide the strategic direction and priorities for the organization.
- The Trust is committed to environmentally and socially responsible management of natural areas on PEI.
- The Trust is a key provider of technical, science-based knowledge on land stewardship and wildlife on PEI for landowners, governments, and partner environmental groups.
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