What are ecosystem services and why are they important?
Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides to humans and are often categorized into provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural. You may be most familiar with provisioning ecosystem services – including food from forests, fields, and oceans; lumber for timber and firewood; drinking water; and even natural gas and oil. Other provisioning services include plants for clothing and materials, as well as natural medicines.
Regulating services provided by natural ecosystems include climate regulation, pollination, purification of water, erosion control, flood control, and carbon storage. Supporting services include the processes that often go unseen but are fundamental to human health, such as soil formation, nutrient cycling, and water cycling. Cultural services are the non-material benefits provided by nature through spiritual enrichment, inspiration, recreation, and aesthetic value (as you can see, ecosystem services are vital to our everyday lives!). As with all life, the categories of ecosystem services are interconnected. For example, fruit trees (provisioning service) rely on the soil (supporting service) and pollination (regulating service) to thrive.
136 hectare (337 acre) property in Forest Hill contributes to a sizeable unfragmented block of rich lowland forest in PEI and is home to C02 absorbing fen peatland – a natural combatant against global warming
136 hectare (337 acre) property in Forest Hill contributes to a sizeable unfragmented block of rich lowland forest in PEI and is home to C02 absorbing fen peatland – a natural combatant against global warming
Forest Hill is an ecological treasure trove, providing benefits to both Islanders and wildlife. Defined by the presence of lowland forest, fen peatland and riparian habitats in the St. Peters River watershed, the Hansen – MacIsaac Natural Area is a relatively untouched area of eastern Prince Edward Island. It is the single largest land parcel secured by the Trust in its forty-one-year history. Recognized for its high ecological value by the Minister of Environment & Climate Change Canada, the parcel, located several kilometers to the Southeast of St Peter’s Bay, will now be protected forever thanks to an Ecological Gift donation from Carl Hansen and Dan MacIsaac.
The peatlands that constitute nearly a half of the 337-acre property serve the Island community through continued carbon sequestration, groundwater and coldwater springs protection. Although they only occupy 3% of the global land area, peatlands contain about 25% of global soil carbon — twice as much as the world’s forests. Acting as a natural carbon sink, they absorb 150 to 250 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere each year worldwide. In a province that has experienced a loss of almost 1,200 acres of peatland due to mining, protecting this vital ecosystem service area in perpetuity will mitigate the effects of climate change and directly benefit Islanders for generations to come.
Forest Hill is notable for its intact and contiguous lowland forest blocks, which are rare for PEI. Recognized as a Priority Place for biodiversity and species-at-risk in PEI, the forested wetland is home to migratory songbirds, such as the Ruby-crowned kinglet and palm warbler. Three species of frog (wood frog, northern leopard frog and spring peeper), beaver lodges, muskrat dens, coyote scat, and ruffed grouse have all been observed at the site.
In addition, Forest Hill has added ecological value because of its connectivity to other protected lands. Near to Greenwich, PEI National Park, it is also bounded to the south by the Forest Hill Natural Area and to the north by the River Wetlands Wildlife Management Area, both owned by the Province. To the north lies a property within the St. Peters River watershed that INT is in the process of securing as another Ecological Gift. Forest Hill’s proximity to protected natural spaces provides an important linkage in allowing dynamic ecosystems and ecological services to flourish.
To the south, the provincial Forest Hill Natural Area supports walking and horse-riding trails that help Islanders connect to their environmental heritage in an immersive way. INT will honour the donors’ wishes to see a loop trail addition to this network using the existing woods road that enters and exits onto MacSwain Rd. The woods road follows the highest elevations on the property where Islanders can experience the natural beauty of the forest without impacting on the natural spaces.
“Contiguous forests are important in minimizing some of the long-term risks to ecological integrity from threats like windthrow in high intensity storms, extended drought and invasive plant infestations. There are also many forest songbirds that require large blocks of intact habitat for nesting and foraging. It is so critically important for people and wildlife that we retain and protect these last remaining large natural landscapes.” – Megan Hartris, Director of Conservation for Island Nature Trust
“Our experience with Island Nature Trust and the process of donating through the Ecological Gift program was seamless. From the start, Trust staff put us in the right direction and carried out all the work for the application. There was very little effort expected on our part. Also, we appreciate that Island Nature Trust agreed to provide access to horse riders and extend the existing trail to allow for Islanders to appreciate nature on the land.” – Carl Hansen, Land Donor
“We love the Island, it’s a paradise. To know that Forest Hill’s natural legacy will continue forever under the protection of Island Nature Trust means a lot to us.”
– Dan MacIsaac, Land Donor
“The Abegweit Conservation Society is pleased to hear of the land donation and the establishment of the Hanson MacIsaac Natural Area in Forest Hill. All of the St Peters Bay watershed drainage has been inhabited by Indigenous peoples that include the present Mi’kmaq for over 10,000 years. Archaeology has well established the presence of the Mi’kmaq all along the bay area including Greenwich. Since the wetlands of Forest Hill contain the culturally significant, and threatened wisqoq (black ash), it is highly likely that many had ventured into the wetland forests of this location to harvest wisqoq for making baskets, axe handles and other implements for their daily use. A variety of medicinal plants also used by the Mi’qmaq can easily be found within all the habitats contained in this new Natural Area. It is reassuring to know that the habitats for plants and wildlife will be protected and accessible for generations to come.”
– Rebecca Hersom-Petersen, Natural Resource Projects Manager at Abegweit Conservation Society
Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. It is one method of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with the goal of addressing global climate change
The drainage of peatlands for agriculture and forestry has resulted in the emission of extensive greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, most notably carbon dioxide and methane
It is estimated that drained peatlands account for around 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and forestry, worldwide
More than a third of the world’s peatlands are in Canada, and they cover about 14 per cent of Canada’s land mass
Three main factors giving peatlands the ability to sequester and store carbon are the high biological productivity, high water table and slow decomposition rates
Ecosystem services are the many and varied benefits to humans provided by the natural environment and from healthy ecosystems. Such ecosystems include, for example, agroecosystems, forest ecosystems, grassland ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems. Healthy, functioning ecosystems offer services like natural pollination of crops, clean air, extreme weather mitigation, and human mental and physical well-being
Forest Hill is the 24th Ecological Gift donation received by Island Nature Trust. The Trust facilitates every step of the application process for donors. Process time averages six months
Ecological Gift – Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program provides a way for Canadians with ecologically sensitive land to protect nature and leave a legacy for future generations. It offers significant tax benefits to landowners who donate land or a partial interest in land to a qualified recipient, by providing exemption from capital gains tax
The Mi’kmaq name for St. Peters Bay is Puku’samkek – At the place where there are plenty of clams in the sand.
Island Nature Trust is a membership-based, non-government, Canadian charity dedicated to land conservation in Prince Edward Island since 1979.
We envision a network of protected natural areas across PEI sustained by the love and generosity of Islanders today for the enjoyment of Islanders and wildlife tomorrow.
Island Nature Trust currently owns seven properties with maintained public footpaths and we welcome you to visit these Natural Areas. Please be mindful of the natural environment and read, download, or print our Trail Code of Care before venturing out to one of our natural area trails. This Code of Care is also posted at the entrance to each of our maintained footpaths.
From left: Helena Villard, Manager of Queen Street liquor store, Darlene Compton, Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for the Liquor Control Commission and Bianca McGregor, Executive Director of Island Nature Trust. Pictured at the Queen Street liquor store in Charlottetown. (Photo credit: Ben Russell – Island Nature Trust)
After a one-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Island Nature Trust and the PEI Liquor Control Commission are continuing its successful ‘Let’s Protect Our Island’ campaign.
The collaboration now entering its fifth year runs from April 1st to May 18th with participating suppliers of beer, wine and spirits donating up to $1 from their sales of participating products at PEILCC retail outlets to Island Nature Trust. Signage promoting this initiative – including the featured products – can be found in all 18 PEI Liquor retail outlets across the province.
Island Nature Trust is committed to investing in the future of Islanders by working to protect natural landscapes in PEI. Since 2016, funds from the initiative have helped Island Nature Trust protect over 1,600 acres of forest, wetlands and coast in PEI. Islanders directly benefit from the ecological services that Island Nature Trust’s natural areas provide with clean water, clean air and an environment resilient to climate change. As Island Nature Trust’s property portfolio increases so does its costs for responsible land management, public trails stewardship, effective communication with Island communities and education and collaboration with user groups.
The Covid-19 pandemic has restricted public access to the outdoors while the lack of interaction with natural spaces in this time has impacted the public’s physical and mental health. Two donations of properties in 2020 in Indian River and New Glasgow brings the total Island Nature Trust natural areas with existing trail systems to seven. This year’s LCC funding drive will allow Island Nature Trust to maintain and steward our trails in addition to hosting education and engagement opportunities. As Islanders face another summer of restricted travel, this focus for the year’s collaboration with the PEILCC will provide benefit to the people of PEI as well as the land.
“I am glad that this initiative can continue,” said Darlene Compton, Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for the Liquor Control Commission. “The funds raised in this campaign with the Island Nature Trust will assist in their work protecting Island land now and for generations to come.”
“The pandemic has restricted Islanders’ access to the rest of the world but reintroduced us to the beauty in the landscape just outside our doors. Collectively, we have recognized the tremendous benefits that interacting with natural spaces have on our physical and mental health. Now there is an opportunity to invest in those lands that have kept us grounded in one of the hardest years many of us have experienced.
The contribution of this 5-year funding campaign with LCC to land conservation in PEI has helped us significantly accelerate our protection program. We are full of plans to make this summer a great time for Islanders to reconnect with the Island’s beautiful natural landscapes.” Megan Harris, Director of Conservation
Island Nature Trust is a membership-based, non-government, Canadian charity dedicated to land conservation in Prince Edward Island since 1979. We envision a future where P.E.I. has a network of protected, robust natural areas championed by knowledgeable, engaged Islanders.
Island Nature Trust envisions a network of protected natural areas across PEI sustained by the love and generosity of Islanders today for the enjoyment of Islanders and wildlife tomorrow.
Island Nature Trust:
Acquires land with representative natural ecosystems, through donation and purchase
Delivers numerous nature education programs to children and adults
Manages its properties to retain and restore their ecological values
Assists private landowners to manage and protect their own properties
Monitors and protect species-at-risk on the Island
Island Nature Trust owns or lease 5284 acres, almost all of which is designated under the PEI Natural Areas Protection Act (NAPA) and open to the public for natural space enjoyment.
Participating products are marked with the Island Nature Trust logo, such as this brand new ‘Beacon Blonde’ beer by Gahan. (Photo credit: Ben Russell – Island Nature Trust)Campaign funds will go towards stewarding existing natural areas with public access trails, such as the Kildare Forest Natural Area in HuntleyStudents from Westisle School help to clean up the perimeter of Kildare Forest Natural Area. The property is one of seven INT natural areas that contain public trails.INT logo’s will be adorned on signage situated on the liquor store aisles of participating products. (Photo credit: Ben Russell – Island Nature Trust)Queen Street liquor store manager Helena Villard shows INT Executive Director, Bianca McGregor an example of a popular participating product – Woodbridge’s range of wines. (Photo credit: Ben Russell – Island Nature Trust)
Island Nature Trust célèbre le printemps en renouvelant un partenariat de financement avec les magasins d’alcools
Après une pause d’un an en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19, Island Nature Trust et la Régie des alcools de l’Î.-P.-É. continuent leur populaire campagne « Let’s Protect Our Island » (« Protégeons notre île »).
La collaboration en sera à sa cinquième édition du 1er avril au 18 mai. Les fournisseurs de bière, de vin et de spiritueux participant donneront jusqu’à 1 $ de la vente des produits désignés dans les magasins de la Régie à Island Nature Trust. Des affiches faisant la promotion de cette initiative, y compris les produits en faisant partie – seront placées dans les 18 magasins d’alcools de la province.
Island Nature Trust est engagé à investir dans l’avenir des Insulaires en travaillant à la protection des milieux naturels de la province. Depuis 2016, les fonds de l’initiative ont aidé Island Nature Trust à protéger plus de 1600 acres de forêt, de terres humides et de côtes à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Les Insulaires peuvent bénéficier directement des services écologiques des aires naturelles d’Island Nature Trust, comme de l’eau et de l’air propres et un environnement résistant aux changements climatiques. À mesure que le nombre de propriétés foncières d’Island Nature Trust augmente, il est en de même pour les coûts relatifs à la gestion responsable des terres, à l’administration des sentiers publics, à la communication efficace avec les communautés insulaires, à la sensibilisation et à la collaboration avec des groupes d’usagers.
La pandémie de COVID-19 a restreint l’accès du public aux aires extérieures, et le manque d’interaction avec la nature pendant ce temps a eu des effets sur sa santé mentale et physique. Le don de deux propriétés en 2020 à Indian River et New Glasgow apporte à sept le nombre total d’aires naturelles avec réseaux de sentiers d’Island Trust Nature. Cette année, la levée de fonds de la Régie des alcools permettra à Island Nature Trust d’entretenir et de superviser les sentiers en plus de tenir des activités de sensibilisation et de mobilisation. Comme les Insulaires ne pourront pas encore voyager là où ils le veulent cet été, le but de la collaboration avec la Régie des alcools de cette année profitera aux terres et aux Insulaires.
« Je suis heureuse que cette initiative puisse continuer », a mentionné la ministre des Finances et ministre responsable de la Régie des alcools, Darlene Compton. « Les fonds recueillis dans la cadre de la campagne avec Island Nature Trust l’aidera à protéger les terres de l’Île pour aujourd’hui et demain. »
« La pandémie a restreint l’accès des Insulaires au reste du monde, mais nous a permis de redécouvrir la beauté des paysages qui nous entourent. De manière collective, nous avons reconnu les bienfaits incroyables de passer du temps en nature pour notre santé mentale et physique. Maintenant, il y a une opportunité d’investir dans les aires naturelles qui nous ont aidés à garder courage pendant l’une des années les plus difficiles que nombre d’entre nous ont connues.
La contribution découlant de cette campagne de financement de cinq ans avec la Régie des alcools pour la conservation des terres à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard nous a aidés de façon considérablement à accélérer notre programme de protection. Nous avons plusieurs plans pour faire de l’été un temps idéal pour les Insulaires de redécouvrir les merveilleux paysages naturels de la province », a ajouté Megan Harris, directrice de la Conservation.
À propos
Island Nature Trust est un organisme de bienfaisance canadien non gouvernemental à adhésion voué à la conservation des terres à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard depuis 1979. Island Nature Trust a pour vision un avenir où l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard a un réseau d’aires naturelles en santé protégées par des Insulaires engagés et avertis.
Island Nature Trust a aussi pour vision un réseau d’aires naturelles protégées partout à l’Île entretenues par l’amour et la générosité des Insulaires d’aujourd’hui pour les Insulaires et la faune et la flore de demain.
Island Nature Trust :
fait l’acquisition de terres ayant des écosystèmes naturels représentatifs, par l’entremise de dons et d’achats;
offre un éventail de programmes éducatifs sur la nature aux enfants et aux adultes;
gère ses propriétés pour protéger et restaurer leur valeur écologique;
aider les propriétaires fonciers privés à gérer et à protéger leur propriété;
surveille l’état des espèces en péril de la province et les protége.
Island Nature Trust possède ou loue 5284 acres, donc la presque entièreté sont désignés dans le cadre de la Natural Areas Protection Act (loi sur la protection des aires naturelles) de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard et ouverts au public pour qu’il puisse en profiter.
From left: Helena Villard, Manager of Queen Street liquor store, Darlene Compton, Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for the Liquor Control Commission and Bianca McGregor, Executive Director of Island Nature Trust. Pictured at the Queen Street liquor store in Charlottetown.
After a one-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the ‘Lets Protect Our Island’ collaboration between Island Nature Trust and the PEI Liquor Control Commission is now entering its fifth year. The campaign running from April 1st to May 18th with participating suppliers of beer, wine and spirits donating up to $1 from their sales of participating products at PEILCC retail outlets to Island Nature Trust. Signage promoting this initiative – including the featured products – can be found in all 18 PEI Liquor retail outlets across the province.
An interview with Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island: Antoinette Perry
By Ben Russell – Communications Manager
The Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island Antoinette Perry is a respected educator from Tignish and a proud Acadian. Before her retirement from teaching in 2009, she enjoyed a distinguished 32-year career at Tignish Consolidated Elementary School where she taught Music and French. She serves as an organist and church choir director at St. Simon and St. Jude Parish and as a co-coordinator of the Parish’s Summer Organ Recital Series.
Becoming an honorary patron to Island Nature Trust made perfect sense to the Honourable Antoinette Perry. She recalls that from a young age ‘environmental consciousness’ was instilled in her while growing up in a small Tignish community. There she was exposed to a sentiment that resonates with her to this day – to respect each other and the environment we live in.
Surrounded by an extensively farmed watershed, the ecologically diverse riparian forest provides a stable buffer for two headwater tributaries delivering spring water to Vernon River and Orwell Bay.
In November, Island Nature Trust began the search for an Executive Director who would be asked to focus more intently on organizational growth and development. Our incumbent Executive Director, Megan Harris has now moved into a strategic role focused on acquisition and stewardship as the Trust’s new Director of Conservation. Read this interview with Megan referencing the new role in our December newsletter. After conducting a thorough candidate search, Island Nature Trust is happy to announce that Bianca McGregor will be its new Executive Director.
This beautiful yet fragile coastal headland will now be protected forever.
The peninsula, named Penny’s Point Natural Area, is located within the Rollo Bay Wildlife Management Area and is on the south point at the mouth of Rollo Bay. It was transferred to Island Nature Trust for perpetual stewardship in December, through a most generous and thoughtful donation. Land donors Tom Welch, Anne Lambert and Nancy Willis were resolved to see this coastline remain in a natural state forever.